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Virtual Youth Forum Feedback
Thank you so much for participating in our virtual Youth Forum workshops! Your feedback is incredibly valuable in helping us improve our Forums, as well as helping our partner organizations improve their workshops.
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Your Info
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School Name
No acronyms please!
Are you a student or teacher?
Youth Forum
Which Youth Forum are you a part of?
Fall 2023: National "Climate Action" Youth Forum for gr 5-8
Winter 2024: "Water Docs at School" Youth Forum
Which Forum workshop(s) are you providing feedback for today? [5-8]
GreenLearning - Spot the Troll: Climate Misinformation & Policy
Ocean Wise - Overcoming the Wave of Plastic
Parks Canada - (Re)building Better
Let's Talk Science - The Phantom Power Pursuit
Lori Snyder of Earth & Company - We Are The Guardians
LSF - Action Project Planning Workshop
Just the Youth Forum overall!
None of the above
Select as many as you like!
Which Forum workshop(s) are you providing feedback for today? [WDaS]
Ocean School - Protecting Our River Ecosystems
Ocean Wise - The Ways of Water & Water Stewardship
WWCGF - Water: Ours to Protect
Green Learning - Excess Water: Flooding & Climate Change
Indigenize - Nibi Waabo: The Power of Water
LSF - Action Project Planning Workshop
Water Docs - Filmmaking How-To Workshop
Just the Youth Forum overall!
None of the above
Select as many as you like!
Are you providing feedback for any pre-recorded workshops today?
GreenLearning: "Harnessing the Wind" (gr 4-10)
GreenLearning: "Closing the Loop on Plastic" (gr 7-12)
Prairie Climate Centre: "The Climate Atlas of Canada"
Brilliant Labs: "Code Your Own Ecological Footprint Adventure Game"
Let's Talk Science: "The Journey to Your Plate: Food & Technology"
Canada Learning Code: "Creating and Coding in CoSpaces"
Plug'n Drive: "EVs: Driving our Clean Energy Future!"
Special Lecture Presentation: "Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science: Bridging the Gap" by Kathleen Matari
None of the above
Select as many as you like!
Workshop Feedback
How would you rate GreenLearning's "Spot the Troll: Climate Misinformation & Policy" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
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Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Ocean Wise's "Overcoming the Wave of Plastic" workshop?
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Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Parks Canada's "(Re)building Better" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Let's Talk Science's "The Phantom Power Pursuit" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Lori Snyder of Earth & Company's "We Are The Guardians" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Ocean School's "Protecting Our River Ecosystems" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Ocean Wise's "The Ways of Water & Water Stewardship" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate WWCGF's "Water: Ours to Protect" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Green Learning's "Excess Water: Flooding & Climate Change" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Indigenize's "Nibi Waabo: The Power of Water" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Water Doc's "Filmmaking How To" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate LSF's Action Project Planning workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate GreenLearning's "Harnessing the Wind" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate GreenLearning's "Closing the Loop on Plastic" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Prairie Climate Centre's "The Climate Atlas of Canada" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Brilliant Labs's "Code Your Own Ecological Footprint Adventure Game" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Let's Talk Science's "The Journey to Your Plate: Food & Technology" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Canada Learning Code's "Creating and Coding in CoSpaces" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate Plug'n Drive's "EVs: Driving our Clean Energy Future!" workshop?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate the Special Lecture Presentation: "Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science: Bridging the Gap" by Kathleen Matari?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Do you have any comments on your workshop rating(s)?
What did they do well? What could they improve for next time? What was your favourite?
Forum Feedback
How would you rate the virtual Youth Forum overall?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Do you have any comments on the Youth Forum overall?
We're always looking to improve! We'll also take your glowing testimonials to help us promote future Forums!