LSF's Sustainable Future Schools

Learning for a Sustainable Future (LSF), has launched the Sustainable Future School (SFS) initiative. SFS is a whole school approach that utilizes the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a context to address teaching and learning, partnerships, facilities and operations, and decision-making in Canadian schools.

What are the SDGs?

In 2015, 193 world governments joined together through the United Nations to commit to an ambitious vision for a safer, healthier, and more prosperous world by 2030. The UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) weave together economic, social, and environmental dimensions and are organized into the “5 Ps that shape the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs): Planet, People, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnerships”The 5 Ps highlight how the SDGs are an intertwined framework instead of a group of siloed goals. Progress on one P must balance and support progress on another. Canada has agreed to report on the implementation of the 17 goals.

Why Sustainable Future Schools?

LSF has been working since 1991 to promote, through education, the knowledge, skills, values, perspectives and practices essential to a sustainable Future.  Our aim, since the beginning, is to work collaboratively to integrate the concepts and principles of Sustainable Development into policy, school curricula and practices, professional development and lifelong learning across Canada.

The Sustainable Future Schools initiative provides a framework for schools to design their own path for advancing the SDGs in a holistic way. It is not set out as a prescribed journey but rather a framework and set of planning tools that utilize the SDGs as a lens through which to address what is taught, practiced, considered, acted upon, and measured throughout the school.

If you are interested in becoming a SFS, please contact us at