Sustainable Future Schools Facilitators Hub
This is a hub where you can find all pertinent SFS-related links and forms.
Key Links
Resources/Steps for interested SFS schools:
- Ask teacher/contact to first fill out the Sustainable Future Schools Interest Form (bilingual)
- For more info about the program, book a meeting with invested teachers/admin and SFS coordinator (
- Template to use and customize for introduction to SFS meeting.
Tracking School Progress & Interaction:
After any Workshop/Professional Development/Progess Updates/Email/Meeting:
- Fill out this form to automatically populate Airtable.*It is imperative that we are tracking our work with schools, how many teachers and students we are reaching in order to report to funders, and apply for new funding!
- If you don’t remember how, check out this guide.
To track SFS active schools, progress & interactions:
- Airtable. This view is set by facilitators and you can access all the relevant up to dates information ( numbers of teachers , students, SDG posters ordered, contacts etc. *If one of the information is not up to date, please email with the most updated information.
- SFS Shared Drive. To access archives about schools and or pictures/ documents. This drives will be mainly used as a backup to airtable.
- SFS Portal. Sign-in into the portal with your login access. TO COME…
Booking PD Sessions with your schools:
- Ask teacher to fill out the PD Form request.
- Soraya to create the Zoom link for PD. Log in to Zoom via account :Jenn@lsf-lst. Password: LSFzoom343.
- Insert this PD survey satisfaction to be filled out by participants. This will be done via a QR Code provided by Soraya. Please MAKE A COPY EACH TIME YOU WANT TO USE IT.
SFS Resources
Resources to support your work with schools:
- LSF Master Slide Deck (make a copy)
slides - English Playbook
- French Playbook
- Newsletter Database
- SFS Hub
- Pôle des EAD
- Self Directed PD materials
- Zoom Recording Guideline
LSF Additional Resources
- Check out our database of over 1,500 curriculum-connected classroom resources on R4R
- Empowering Learners in a Warming World climate change inquiry guide
- Engaging Students in Sustainable Action Projects guide
- Action Project inspiration on Our Canada Project
- Green Jobs: Adapting to our Changing Climate video series