Sustainable Future Schools Facilitators Hub

This is a hub where you can find all pertinent SFS-related links and forms. 

Key Links

Resources/Steps for interested SFS schools:

  1. Ask teacher/contact to first fill out the Sustainable Future Schools Interest Form (bilingual)
  2. For more info about the program, book a meeting with invested teachers/admin and SFS coordinator (
  3. Template to use and customize for introduction to SFS meeting.

Tracking School Progress & Interaction: 

After any Workshop/Professional Development/Progess Updates/Email/Meeting:

  • Fill out this form to automatically populate Airtable.*It is imperative that we are tracking our work with schools, how many teachers and students we are reaching in order to report to funders, and apply for new funding! 

To track SFS active schools, progress & interactions:

  • Airtable. This view is set by facilitators and you can access all the relevant up to dates information ( numbers of teachers , students, SDG posters ordered, contacts etc. *If one of the information is not up to date, please email with the most updated information. 
  • SFS Shared Drive. To access archives about schools and or pictures/ documents. This drives will be mainly used as a backup to airtable.
  • SFS Portal. Sign-in into the portal with your login access. TO COME…

Booking PD Sessions with your schools:

  1. Ask teacher to fill out the PD Form request.
  2. Soraya to create the Zoom link for PD. Log in to Zoom via account :Jenn@lsf-lst. Password: LSFzoom343.
  3. Insert this PD survey satisfaction to be filled out by participants. This will be done via a QR Code provided by Soraya. Please MAKE A COPY EACH TIME YOU WANT TO USE IT.

SFS Resources

LSF Additional Resources