Sustainable Future Schools Facilitators Hub

This is a hub where you can find all pertinent SFS-related links and forms. 

Key Links

Resources/Steps for interested SFS schools:

  1. Ask teacher/contact to first fill out the Sustainable Future Schools Interest Form (bilingual)
  2. For more info about the program, book a meeting with invested teachers/admin or refer to Emily (

Tracking School Progress & Interaction: 

After any Workshop/Professional Development:

  • Fill out this form. *It is imperative that we are tracking our work with schools, how many teachers and students we are reaching in order to report to funders, and apply for new funding! 

Email/conversational/progress updates from schools:

Fill out our pre & post-year survey!

  • Pre-survey 
  • Reflection-survey 
    • For each survey: make a copy, re-name the document with the school name and send to schools to fill out. Or ask for help from Jenn/Em before sending. 

SFS Resources

Resources to support your work with schools:

LSF Additional Resources