Annual Dr. David V.J. Bell Memorial Lecture
Canadian thought leaders bridging the gap between research and practice.
Research + Policy > Annual Dr. David V.J. Bell Memorial Lecture
5th Annual Dr. David V.J. Bell Memorial Lecture
"How to be hopeful in a world of doom: The Practice of Evidence-Based Hope."
with Elin Kelsey

Elin Kelsey, PhD is an award-winning author, speaker and thought-leader for the evidence-based hope and climate justice solutions movement. Kelsey’s influence can be seen through the popularity of her book, Hope Matters: Why Changing the Way We Think Is Critical For Solving The Environmental Crisis (2020) and in the hopeful, solutions-focus of her clients, including the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and other powerful institutions where she has served as a visiting fellow including the Rachel Carson Center for the Environment and Society, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Kone Foundation, the Salish Sea Institute, the Cairns Institute and Stanford University. She co-created the viral social media campaign #OceanOptimism and is currently leading intergenerational collaborations with climate influencers to make evidence-based hope more shareable online. She is an Adjunct Faculty member of the University of Victoria School of Environmental Studies, and Western Washington University’s School of Environment. She regularly serves as an author/artist in residence for international schools. She is a best-selling children’s book author, podcast host, and film writer. For more, please visit
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us live. If you missed it, you can find the recording below!
About Dr. Bell + Memorial Lecture
Dr. David V.J. Bell became a member of LSF in 1995, became Chair of the Board of Directors in 2006, and was an integral part of our organization for over 22 years. His passion, commitment and dedication to sustainability and education left a permanent imprint on policy makers, educators and youth across Canada and internationally. Dr. Bell’s impact on LSF has been invaluable, and his leadership and countless contributions were recognized through numerous awards including: the Green Toronto Award for Leadership in Sustainability, the EECOM Award, the Harry Jerome Award, 2017 Clean50 Award, and the Jackie Robinson Fortitude Award.
The Annual Dr. David V.J. Bell Lecture is intended to help bridge the gap between research and what is practiced in educational institutions by identifying Canadian thought leaders to share their research and insights on education for sustainable development as it applies to education policy, teacher education and practice, and student empowerment.

Dr. David V.J. Bell (1944-2017)
Previous Years’ Lecture Recordings
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