Resources > Green Jobs: Adapting to our Changing Climate Video Series
Green Jobs: Adapting to our Changing Climate
Video Series
LSF’s Green Jobs: Adapting to our Changing Climate video series supports Canadian students in preparing for the 21st century workforce.
Today’s youth are looking ahead towards a climate-altered future, where impacts are felt throughout Canada’s environment, communities, health, economy, and more.
Whether working to mitigate climate change or adapt to its impacts, jobs requiring knowledge and skills to address climate change will be ever more important.
This series of 10 videos introduces students to various Canadian experts who build climate resilience through their work. Each video is hosted by high school students from across Canada.
As part of your careers studies courses, sustainability and climate change courses or club activities, share these videos with your students to inspire them to think about green jobs!
“How can youth—the workforce of tomorrow—pursue jobs that make our communities more resilient to a changing climate?”
– Annette Morand, Science Planning Officer, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division, Natural Resources Canada, Government of Canada
Supported by Natural Resources Canada’s Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) Program

Thank you so much to everyone who worked on the videos, including: Paula Gallo, Sira Chayer, & Bria Luis.
Thank you to the experts who took the time to be interviewed by our students: Louise Aubin, DG Blair, Joseph A. Daraio, Sabine Dietz, Paul Dinn, Serge Dupuis, Ross Dwyer, Lauren Fleet, Dr. Anna Gunz, Doug Johnson, Geneva Kejick, MJ Legault, Dana Mears, Marc Nelitz, Sarah O’Rourke, David Pearson, Adrian Prado, Daniel Scott, & Laio Silva Sobrinho.
Thank you to the teachers and students who dedicated their time to hosting these wonderful interviews: Rosanne Massinon & students from Carman Collegiate, Manitoba | Dan Kunanec & students from Don Mills Collegiate Institute, Ontario | Marie-Christine Roy & students from École Des Rives, Québec | Melani Decelles & students from École Secondaire Kelvin High School, Manitoba | Laura Myers & students from Hampton High School, New Brunswick | Lisa Jeffery & students from Leamington District Secondary School, Ontario | Sabrina Liu & students from Markville Secondary School, Ontario | Susan Butler & students from Roncalli Central High School, Newfoundland | and Jason Moulthrop & students from Ursula Franklin Academy, Ontario.
Check out the videos
Description: Today’s youth are looking ahead towards a climate-altered future, where impacts are felt throughout Canada’s environment, communities, health, economy, and more. This series of 10 videos introduces students to various Canadian experts who build climate resilience through their work. Each video is hosted by high school students from across Canada.
Description: École Secondaire Des Rives students interview Geneva Kejick, from Grand Council Treaty #3, and David Pearson, from Laurentian University, about how they build climate resilience through their work. These students ask the guest speakers to discuss the challenges that Indigenous communities are facing in adapting to climate change and how bringing traditional knowledge and science together can provide solutions for climate-related crises.
Description: Ursula Franklin Academy students interview industry experts Lauren Fleet (Climate Change Engineer in Training) and Dana Mears (Engagement Specialist at Urban Systems Ltd.) about different methods of climate change adaptation related to water. In this video, the students ask the guest speakers important questions about adaptations needed to protect coastal communities and infrastructure from the effects of climate change. They also discuss mitigation strategies that have been successfully implemented in recent years.
Description: Markville Secondary School students interview Joseph A. Daraio (Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering at Memorial University of Newfoundland) and DG Blair (Executive Director at Stewardship Centre for BC) about climate change and nature-based infrastructure. These students ask the guest speakers to discuss what nature-based infrastructure is and why it is important to protect our shorelines.
Description: Ecole Secondaire Kelvin High School students interview Louise Aubin (Director, Health Protection Division, Public Health) and Dr. Anna Gunz (Physician and Professor at Western University) about climate change and community health. The students ask the guest speakers important questions, such as “How much impact does climate change have on the mental and physical health of children?” And “How can students address the effects of climate change on community health?”
Description: Leamington District Secondary School (LDSS) students interview Sabine Dietz (Executive Director, at CLIMAtlantic) and Ross Dwyer (Manager of Research Partnerships, UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation), about climate change and land use planning. In this video, LDS students ask important questions, such as: “What is the impact of climate change in Atlantic Canada?” and “How can municipalities ensure that marginalized communities are considered in Climate change adaptation and mitigation planning?”
Description: Carman Collegiate Students interview Doug Johnson, executive from Water Security Agency, and Laio Sobrinho from Centre for Livestock Production, about how they build climate resilience through their work. These students ask the guest speakers to discuss the biggest climate change issue related to agriculture and its impacts. They also ask the guest speakers to share what steps they believe farmers can take to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Description: Roncali Central High School, NL students interview Paul Dinn, from Adelaide’s Newfoundland Honey Inc., MJ Legault, from Origin Outside, and Daniel Scott, from the University of Waterloo, about how they build climate resilience through their work. In this video, Roncali students shed light on climate change and the tourism industry. They ask the guest speakers to discuss their opinions on the challenges that the climate crisis brings to the tourism industry, such as, the effects of greenhouse gas emission and land use change.
Description: Don Mills Collegiate Institute, ON students interview Marc Nelitz, from ESSA Technologies, and Sarah O’Rourke, from CBCL, about how they build climate resilience through their work. In this video, the students ask the guest speakers to discuss the connection between climate change adaptation and infrastructure. They discuss ways in which employers are using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to complement their workflow, rather than to restrict it.
Description: Hampton High School, NB students interview Serge Dupuis, from Universite de Moncton, and Adrian Prado, from Commission de services regionaux Nord-Oust, about how they build climate resilience through their work. In this video, Hampton High School students ask the guest speakers to discuss how their work in natural resources relates to climate change adaptation and to predict what green job opportunities will arise within the next 10 years.