Registration: LSF's Build-Your-Own Virtual Youth Forum


Welcome to LSF’s Youth Forums, designed to ENGAGE your students in local climate issues, EQUIP them with knowledge and skills needed to make change, and EMPOWER them to take action.

  • Date: Winter 2025. Flexible schedule – work at your own pace.
  • Location: This is a virtual Youth Forum – open to all class/clubs across the country!
  • Grades: 5-12
  • Theme: Climate Action

Before you sign up, here’s what’s involved:

  1. Have your students each complete the short pre-Forum survey
  2. Take advantage of the Climate Change 101 course and our selection of teacher PD workshop recordings (both optional)
  3. Complete a minimum of 3 student workshop recordings with your students
  4. Complete LSF’s Action Project Planning workshop recording with your students
  5. Make your Action Project plan & submit your Action Project grant request by April 2025
  6. Take action in your school or community and complete your Final Report by May 30, 2025

Please email if you have any questions.

Register Now

Primary Participant Info

All about you (AKA the person who will be guiding your class' participation in the virtual Youth Forum events)
Choose "Yes" if multiple teachers will be working with the same group of students.
If these other teachers will be registering their own groups, please choose "No".

School Info

Please write out in full, no acronyms. Thanks!
For private/independent schools, type your 2-letter province/territory code and select "XX Private/Independent School"
If you can't find your board, please search and select "Other"

Student Participant Info

Who are the students that will be involved in the Forum?
Numbers only.
Not sure? Take your best guess and update us later!
Select all the apply
1. Not yet started2. Rarely3. Sometimes4. Often5. At every opportunity
1. Not yet started
2. Rarely
3. Sometimes
4. Often
5. At every opportunity
1. No understanding2. Some understanding3. Average understanding4. Good understanding5. Excellent understanding
1. No understanding
2. Some understanding
3. Average understanding
4. Good understanding
5. Excellent understanding
1. Not at all engaged2. Somewhat engaged3. Engaged4. Very engaged5. Extremely engaged
1. Not at all engaged
2. Somewhat engaged
3. Engaged
4. Very engaged
5. Extremely engaged