Programs > Professional Development Workshops
Professional Development Workshops
Preparing students for an ever-changing 21st century world is no easy task.
Based on decades of experience and led by expert facilitators, LSF’s Professional Development (PD) workshops help educators transform their practice and link education to action in meaningful and engaging ways.
Our FREE webinars are packed full of resources, tips and tricks for incorporating more outdoor learning, sustainability education, and more into your classroom practice, no matter your grade, subject, or experience. Check out our current schedule & sign up on this page!
Or request a custom PD workshop for your team!
- Online or in-person
- Flexible timing – options for 1-3 hour, half-day, full-day, or multi-day workshops
- Connect to any grade(s), subject(s) and curriculum
- For any group of educators – schools, boards, teaching teams, subject associations, faculties of education, etc.
- Using experiential methods to teach practical techniques for engaging your students
- Topics can include sustainability and climate learning, outdoor learning, inquiry, learning through Action Projects, and more!
We look forward to learning with you!
For further information on these and other PD events OR if you would like to request a workshop tailored to your group, please contact Elaine at
All webinars scheduled for 7-8pm EDT
(45min webinar + 15min Q&A/discussion)
March 18th, 2025 World Water Day 2025: Water Conservation Through a Two-Eyed Seeing Lens - Resources from Lydia Johnson and R4R (K-12)
World Water Day is just around the corner! Join us in hearing Lydia Johnson share about her journey in the world of water conservation and exploring LSF’s Resources for Rethinking (R4R) database. Our free webinar showcases resources that connect World Water Day themes to your curriculum and explores these themes through the Two-Eyed Seeing perspective.
About Lydia Johnson: Lydia Johnson is an environmental professional with mixed Italian and Cree ancestry and is a member of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band. She was born and raised on the shores of Anishinaabewi-gitchigami (Lake Superior) which has greatly influenced her educational and employment experiences. Lydia completed a masters degree in Environmental Studies, focusing on weaving Indigenous and Western ways of knowing to study environmental contaminants and wildlife health. She is a former member of the Environment and Climate Change Canada youth council and has a passion for youth engagement and outreach.
Note: This webinar will take place on March 18th, from 7-7:45pm ET and will present resources for K-12.
This webinar is 45 minutes in duration.
Parlez-vous Français? See upcoming French Webinars
Recording Available - Connecting to the UN's SDGs: Resources from R4R and Ingenium
The start of school is just around the corner, and Ingenium and LSF have everything you need to make connecting the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals to your curriculum a breeze!
> This webinar took place on August 28th. Register here to get the recording & materials!
Recording Available - Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics - Resources from R4R and Ocean Wise
Earth Day is just around the corner, and Ocean Wise and LSF have everything you need to dive into this year’s Earth Day theme: Planet vs. Plastics. Our free webinar series is showcasing easy, accessible lesson plans that connect Earth Day themes to your curriculum.
Note: This 30 minute webinar presents resources for K-12.
> This webinar took place on April 16th. Register here to get the recording & materials!
Recording Available - Earth Month 2024: Resources from R4R and GreenLearning
Kick off Earth Month with help from GreenLearning and LSF! Our free webinar series is showcasing easy, accessible lesson plans that connect Earth Month themes to your curriculum.
Note: This 30 minute webinar presents resources for K-12.
> This webinar took place on April 3rd. Register here to get the recording & materials!
Recording Available - Taking Math Outdoors: Finding Curriculum in your Schoolyard (K-6)
How do you motivate students, get them thinking about math in their world and use inquiry and integration? Get them outside and involved in community projects. It’s easier than you think—uncovering the curriculum and turning kids on to math and critical thinking is literally a walk in the park!
This session will allay your fears, empower you, and get you started. From the “how to” to specific examples and a plethora of practical ideas, you’ll be able to confidently start tomorrow!
Note: This webinar presents examples of work from K-6 but is applicable to any grade level.
45min webinar + 15min Q&A/discussion
> This webinar took place on Sep 28. Register here to get the recording & materials!
Recording Available - Learning Goes Outside: Getting Started (K-8)
in partnership with Take Me Outside
in partnership with Take Me Outside
In partnership with Take Me Outside for Take Me Outside Week
Are you wondering how to get started taking your kids outside for learning this school year? Look no further! We will take you on a journey exploring meaningful, authentic learning outdoors. Whether it is Math, the Arts or any subject you teach you can motivate and empower your students using the outdoors. It simply takes an open-minded, real-world lens. This webinar is designed for K-8 teachers and will highlight some strategies on how to get started, activities to do outdoors, and resources to learn more!
45min webinar + 15min Q&A/discussion
> This webinar took place as part of Take Me Outside Week, on Oct 13th. Click this link to watch the recording!
Recording Available Introduction to Sustainability Education and the SDGs (K-8)
Many educators are wondering how to best introduce sustainability to students. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a holistic equity lens through which to teach and learn. They offer us an approach to curriculum that can help our students become the informed, effective citizens we need for a sustainable future. This workshop will introduce you to this important vision whether you teach Kindergarten or Grade 8.
Note: This webinar presents examples of work from K-8 but is applicable to any grade level.
> This webinar took place on Nov 2nd. Register here to get the recording & materials!
Recording Available Sustainability: The Educator's Playbook (K-8)
As socially aware educators, we are working to be part of a sustainable future. But how can we continue to shape our classroom experience to reflect that reality? How can we be ‘that person,’ ‘that educator’? It’s easier than we may think! Come and check out the playbook for new ideas to continue to make sustainability a ‘happening thing’ in your classroom.
Note: This webinar presents examples of work from K-8 but is applicable to any grade level.
> This webinar took place on Nov 10th. Register here to get the recording & materials!
Recording Available - Outdoor Learning: Ingredients for Student Success (K-8)
Taking curriculum outdoors can open a whole new world to both students and educators. But what are those strategies and practices that ensure a great start and the deep learning you want your students to experience outside? Come and explore the possibilities and refill your outdoor educator’s toolkit. Your new school year can truly be a whole new world for you and your students!
Note: This webinar presents examples of work from K-8 but is applicable to any grade level.
> This webinar took place on Nov 16th. Register here to get the recording & materials! here.
Recording Available - Immerse Yourself in Nature: Outdoor Learning in French Immersion (K-8)
Are you wondering how to start an outdoor learning program for students learning French as an additional language? Where do you begin? How do students improve their oral communication skills if they are “playing” to learn? What about reading and writing skills? This webinar is designed for K-8 French teachers with a special focus on French Immersion and Core French programs. Strategies on how to get started, design meaningful learning tasks, and many French resources will be explored! Tout le monde est bienvenu!
Note: This webinar presents examples of work from K-8 but is applicable to any grade level. In addition, this session will be presented in French for those who teach French as a second language or who are French immersion teachers.
45min webinar + 15min Q&A/discussion
> > This webinar took place on Nov 23rd. Register here to get the recording & materials!
Recording Available - Learning Through Action: Tools and Resources for Student Led Sustainability Projects (K-12)
Join Environmental Educator and Outreach Manager Jade from The Outdoor Learning Store for a dive into hands-on action projects you can undertake with students to take real action on climate change and sustainability for their local place.
Engaging in this type of student-led projects creates empowered classes and the opportunity for students to enact real change within their community. Whether it’s creating interpretative signage for communities (on wildlife and pollution management), watershed investigations or invasive species removal, there are so many accessible options for you to take with you to try. We’ll also share resources that can support you in bringing your K-12 action project journey to fruition.
45min webinar + 15min Q&A/discussion
> This webinar took place on Jan 19th. Complete this form to watch the recording.
Recording Available - Taking Math Outdoors: Finding Curriculum in your Schoolyard (K-6)
*Attend to WIN!*
*Attend to WIN!*
How do you motivate students, get them thinking about math in their world and use inquiry and integration? Get them outside and involved in community projects. It’s easier than you think—uncovering the curriculum and turning kids on to math and critical thinking is literally a walk in the park!
This session will allay your fears, empower you, and get you started. From the “how to” to specific examples and a plethora of practical ideas, you’ll be able to confidently start tomorrow!
Note: This webinar presents examples of work from K-6 but is applicable to any grade level.
Wednesday, Sep 28 • 7-8pm EDT
45min webinar + 15min Q&A/discussion
> This webinar took place on Sep 28. Register here to get the recording & materials!Recording Available - Spring Story Walks: Books to get us outdoors! (K-6)
Librarian Alert! Our spring book webinar will feature Judy Halpern talking with book seller Tory McTaggart, from Bound2Learn. We will highlight new and well-loved spring-related picture books, sharing thoughts and ideas for outdoor learning. Tory has been serving educators and librarians with books for K-6 learning in both English and French, for over 18 years. Participants will receive a detailed booklist.
>This webinar took place on Apr 11. Register here to get the recording & materials!
Recording Available - Taking Curriculum Outdoors (K-8)
Are you wondering how to get started taking your kids outside for learning this spring? Look no further! We will take you on a journey exploring meaningful, authentic inquiry outdoors to integrate curriculum learning for all ages. Whether it is Math, the Arts or any subject you teach you can motivate and empower your students using the outdoors. It simply takes an open-minded, real-world lens.
>This webinar took place on Apr 13. Register here to get the recording and materials.
Recording Available - Tools & Resources for Sustainable Outdoor Learning (K-12) - with Canada's Non-Profit Outdoor Learning Store
Apr 19 @ 7-8pm EDT: Tools and Resources for Sustainable Outdoor Learning (K-12)
In Collaboration with Canada’s Non-Profit Outdoor Learning Store
Join Jade Harvey-Berrill from Canada’s Outdoor Learning Store for this professional development opportunity that will inspire and engage. Jade will share tools and resources available to aid in successful outdoor learning, with a focus on climate and sustainability. Whether you are a teacher, informal educator, parent or recreational leader, this workshop will connect you to tools and resources available to enhance your connection to climate and sustainability when you are learning outdoors.
>This webinar took place on Apr 19. Register here to get the recording and materials.
Recording Available - Sustainability: The Educator's Playbook (K-8)
As educators, we want to be part of a sustainable future, but how can we shape our classroom experience to reflect that reality? It’s easier than we may think! Come and check out the playbook of practical tools and strategies to make sustainability a part of your classroom.
>This webinar took place on Apr 21. Register here to get the recording and materials.
Recording Available - What Community Partners Can Do For You! (K-8)
Partnering with community groups can provide meaningful, integrated learning for all. And it’s easier than you think! Join us as we explore the possibilities with local groups, conservation authorities and national organizations that will help you connect curriculum to real-world partnerships. These authentic experiences will motivate and empower your students to create change in their communities right now.
Featuring special guests from our very own community partners:
- Kyle Menken from Credit Valley Conservation Authority
- Lucrezia Chiappetta from EcoCaledon
- Kelly Drennan from FashionTakesAction
>This webinar took place on May 4. Register here to get the recording and materials.
Recording Available - Cli-fi: Climate change stories for children K-8
Librarians Alert! Join Judy Halpern in exploring Cli–fi – a new way to talk about climate change through stories. We’ll discuss a variety of titles to complement climate change learning and taking action suitable for children grade K-8 Participants will receive a detailed booklist.
>This webinar took place on May 19. Register here to get the recording and materials.
Our Mentoring Café is back!
Our Professional Development Events Get Great Reviews
This was the best use of my time in a long while - worth of going to many times over as the people attending help make the difference
It's great to connect with like-minded educators & to know even though we all have similar challenges, we can support each other to find creative solutions & offer advice when needed
It was the best learning experience for Inquiry-based leaning. I am now clear and more comfortable implementing inquiry while incorporating nature.
I feel like I have a deeper understanding of the inquiry process because I was directly experiencing it in the Institute
Jan 19, 2023 Learning Through Action: Tools and Resources for Student Led Sustainability Projects (K-12)
Join Environmental Educator and Outreach Manager Jade from The Outdoor Learning Store for a dive into hands-on action projects you can undertake with students to take real action on climate change and sustainability for their local place.
Engaging in this type of student-led projects creates empowered classes and the opportunity for students to enact real change within their community. Whether it’s creating interpretative signage for communities (on wildlife and pollution management), watershed investigations or invasive species removal, there are so many accessible options for you to take with you to try. We’ll also share resources that can support you in bringing your K-12 action project journey to fruition.
Note: This webinar will take place on January 19th, 2023 at 7pm ET and will present examples of work from K-12 but is applicable to any grade level.
45min webinar + 15min Q&A/discussion
Feb 7, 2023 Taking Math Outdoors: Practical Ideas & Examples
Wondering how you can further the outdoor experience for your students beyond science and geography? Perhaps re-envisioning your Math Program can help. Join Pamela Gibson & Janice Haines are partnering with The Outdoor Learning Store and Take Me Outside for some inspiring ideas and practical ways of connecting math curricula with outside. It’s a liberating experience!
All registrants will be entered to win some great draw prizes! Following the workshop, you will receive a link to the resources shared, the recording, and access your Certificate of Attendance.
Note: This webinar will take place on February 7th, 2023 at 7pm ET and will present examples of work from K-12 but is applicable to any grade level.
45min webinar + 15min Q&A/discussion
Jan 19, 2023 Learning Through Action: Tools and Resources for Student Led Sustainability Projects (K-12)
Join Environmental Educator and Outreach Manager Jade from The Outdoor Learning Store for a dive into hands-on action projects you can undertake with students to take real action on climate change and sustainability for their local place.
Engaging in this type of student-led projects creates empowered classes and the opportunity for students to enact real change within their community. Whether it’s creating interpretative signage for communities (on wildlife and pollution management), watershed investigations or invasive species removal, there are so many accessible options for you to take with you to try. We’ll also share resources that can support you in bringing your K-12 action project journey to fruition.
Note: This webinar will take place on January 19th, 2023 at 7pm ET and will present examples of work from K-12 but is applicable to any grade level.
45min webinar + 15min Q&A/discussion
Feb 7, 2023 Taking Math Outdoors: Practical Ideas & Examples
Wondering how you can further the outdoor experience for your students beyond science and geography? Perhaps re-envisioning your Math Program can help. Join Pamela Gibson & Janice Haines are partnering with The Outdoor Learning Store and Take Me Outside for some inspiring ideas and practical ways of connecting math curricula with outside. It’s a liberating experience!
All registrants will be entered to win some great draw prizes! Following the workshop, you will receive a link to the resources shared, the recording, and access your Certificate of Attendance.
Note: This webinar will take place on February 7th, 2023 at 7pm ET and will present examples of work from K-12 but is applicable to any grade level.
45min webinar + 15min Q&A/discussion